
  • The Attractiveness of Bitcoin


    The charts below show one important point of Bitcoin beauty.The supply of bitcoins are capped, unlike government fiat money. That’s one of the reasons governments hate it so. If Bitcoin becomes adopted on a broad scale, it will increase in value near globally against fiat currencies whose supplies are regularly inflated.

    This is why governments may attempt to try and shutdown Bitcoin in its entirety. Bitcoin (and other crypto currencies) provide an alternative to fiat currencies which can be printed up by governments without limit and used by governments for their own purposes.  It will be a cat and mouse game between government and the crypto currency world as to whether Bitcoin survives on a mass scale. Will Bitcoin and/or other crypto currencies be adopted on such a large scale that it will be difficult for the government to try a total shutdown because strong political interests will begin to benefit from Bitcoin? Or will governments use the iron fist to stop Bitcoin before strong political interests develop to support Bitcoin?

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